uropean Union has reacted to Amir Khan Motaqi’s-acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan- remarks accusing the international community of having been failed in defining an inclusive government in Afghanistan.
Special Representative of European Union for Afghanistan Tomas Niklasson said that defining inclusive government in Afghanistan is not the task of the International Community and that the Afghan men and women must do it.
It is for all adult Afghan men and women to do so through transparent processes on which they have also had a say and respecting their rights. Reads the Twitter post of Niklasson.
Earlier, Amir Motaqi said that the IEA government is fully inclusive and that the International community is making a political excuse by accusing the IEA’s interim government of not being inclusive.
The formation of inclusive government is one of the preconditions of the international community for the recognition of the IEA’s interim government.
No country has recognized the government yet.
LINK: https://www.ansarpress.com/english/26486